
Friday, June 20, 2008


My ObamaMAMA shirt finally arrived. It, like everything else on Obama's website was on backorder. Like many other voters (at least according to CNN) this presedential election is the first to ever get me excited and involved. (Granted this only the third presidential election I've been old enough vote in.) My husband and I even went to our county Democratic convention as delegates for Obama. The babies were sooo good even though the convention ran long and we there for something like 10 hours (and we didn't even stay until the end...)

I truly believe in Barack Obama's sincerity, his passion, and his ability to lead our country. I don't agree with all of his positions but he's got the most important ones right. Especially foreign policy, I think it is idiotic that the childish notion of "I don't like you, I won't talk to you" is thought of a reasonble basis for foreign policy.


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