
Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Gaming & Crocheting

I made a pretty new dice bag for myself during our D&D game last night. Well..I didn't quite finish it, I'm still working on the drawstrings.

I got turned onto the idea of crocheting while gaming by a friend of mine who games with us on Fridays. She made her husband the coolest dice bag shaped like a d4. She also told me about The website is a community of crochets and knitters. You can get free patterns, post your projects, see other projects, and post in an amazing number of forum groups . So far I've joined groups. rpg gamers, cloth diaper moms. And I got the pattern for the dice bag form the website to.

As soon as I finish up my bag, I'll be moving on to a bag for my husband.


punkcutie said...

You are awesome, Angie! I can't believe you made a whole bag in one night (OK, I can believe it, I've seen how fast you crochet). Thanks for the props on the d4. And I think you meant to type I'm so glad you are on there now! You will have to join the Battlestar Galactica group and the Knitters (and Crochet) for Obama group.

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