
Monday, January 25, 2010

100% Reusable Cloth Diapers

This blog has been seriously neglected but what better time to start fresh than the new year. And what better topic to start back with then my passion for cloth diapering.

I know, it's a little weird to be passionate about what I use to catch by kids poop. But I really believe that our current "disposable" society cannot last. We can't keep using finite resources to make products we use once and them throw away to take centuries (if ever) to decompose. I see cloth diapers as a one simple step in the right direction. One that also has a positive impact on my kids' health and my pocket book.
As the popularity of the Monday night #clothdiapers Twitter chat would indicate I am far from alone in this passion. The Real Diaper Association is trying harness this enthusiasm with the new 100% Reusable Cloth Diapers Campaign. As a member of RDA's board I not only get to particpate in the campaign but had a chance to help design. The campaign is focused on gathering information from cloth diapering parents everywhere about how they have overcome potential obstacles to cloth diapering 100% of the time. And giving those parents a way to show off their awesome accomplishments.

The campaign is starting off with a focus on supporting cloth diapering and cloth diapering at night. I shared my nighttime diapering routine and bragged about the ways I support cloth. Now I can proudly display my cloth diapering badges. So if your a cloth diapering mom or dad come share your experience, tips, tricks and advice and get some badges to show off on your website, blogs, facebook page, etc...

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